1. How can I be considered for Editors’ Picks Category?

    Our editorial team will review Storefronts on WeddingWire and look for the following:

    Updated Photos of Your Venue: Ensure you have high-quality, professional photos of your venue from the past year. Photos should highlight what sets your venue apart, features, different wedding styles, etc.

    Accurate and Updated Venue Information in Your Profile: What makes your venue unique? Explain specific features and services you offer that set your venue apart.

  2. How many venues are included in an Editors’ Picks?

    We will choose up to 20 venues to feature per category, per year.

  3. How do you determine which categories to feature?

    We choose categories based on the time of year (seasonality and popularity of that particular style in a season) and the interest of our users in order to maximize engagement.

  4. How often will you update your Editors’ Picks?

    We will showcase two categories per month and update categories once a year.

  5. What if information about my venue has been updated after I am featured?

    You may contact us at editorial@weddingwire.com to tell us what information needs to be updated about your venue. Please note: we will not swap out the photo featured; this only applies to information that may no longer be accurate.

  6. Will my venue be picked since I advertise on WeddingWire?

    Our Editors’ Picks program is not related to or impacted by our premium advertising options. We encourage you to ensure your Storefront is up-to-date with new, high-quality photos, and venue information in order to be considered.